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Lemon Law Articles

Arbitration And The Lemon Law

(Submited by: Donald Ladew )

If the neighbors Pekinese decides to scare off bad guys at 2:00AM in the morning, and does this every night, and you cant persuade your neighbor to correct the situation, perhaps mediation or arbitration is the answer. After all, going to court ... Read article

Law School Torts II Course Outline

(Submited by: Dr. Michael A. S. Guth )

TORTS II OUTLINEI. VICARIOUS LIABILITY - search for deep pockets. Impose liability on one party for the actions of another: derivatively imposed.Two ways to get the principle - vicarious liability action and negligence action ... Read article

Auto Lemon Laws About the Arbitration Process

(Submited by: Charles Essmeier )

Buying a new car is not something most people do without thought; it generally requires a large investment of time and money. We choose our purchase carefully, and we hope that it will suit our needs, without too much trouble, for years to come. ... Read article

Lemon Law - Mechanics Flat Rate Pay System

(Submited by: Donald Ladew )

There is a relationship between the auto repair technician Flat Rate pay system and the incidence of unrepaired Lemon Vehicles. It is more direct than one might think.What is Flat Rate Pay System?Its old-fashioned piecework plain ... Read article

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